Sons of Anarchy. Finally. The boys are back. Back after 18 months of hard time, a shiv and a haircut.
Of course, Charlie Hunnam looks about 24 with his new baby boy haircut, but you know, I'll take it. Meanwhile Opie's got wicked long hair and a beard that's almost as long. Crazycakes - completely unrecognizable from his other roles. Love that Ryan Hurst.
Seems like the jury's out on the fourth season - based on @sepinwall's and @moryan's reviews. I have to say I agree. The first ep did a great job setting up a lot of the storylines for the season - sad it's only 13 episodes - so it should be a good one. Hopefully.
I had my issues with last season, feeling like the pacing was a bit uneven and then had quite the anticlimactic baby resolution. But I think this season will be good, even as I was a lot put off by the last 10 minutes of uberviolence. The show's always been that way, but damn, has Jax come a long way from offing Tara's stalker boyfriend.
Kinda scary.
I'm excited because STWsis is along for the um, ride, totally caught up on the show and almost as in like with it as me. She's the one who got me this Harley magnet. Feels like it's only a matter of time before one or both of us are up for figuring out when we'll be riding our first.
Bike, that is.
yay! so excited SOA is back! and did you see... kurt sutter is back on the twitter! :)
i liked the first episode this season... tho, how many times has jax said that he's not going to be in SAMCRO anymore??
Yeah, I knew Sutter would come back when he was talking about it during the premiere...and especially after the viewership numbers came out so much higher than last year.
I did like the ep, but am over the guns thing.
And Jax has a plan this time! He thinks, anyway.
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