Please. What do you think?
I'm hanging out with the fam this week, doing some roadtripping to DC, with a Jersey layover tonight.
And what have we been doing when we get together lately? Trying valiantly to catch the kids up on all of David Tennant's years as the Tenth Doctor. In fact, that was the first text I got, can we watch Doctor Who?
I figured another cousin marathon deserved another Cafe Press magnet - yes, another one. I can't stop buying them! It's pretty! And blue! And, yes, yes, I know, this one is from Christopher Eccleston's stint, but it works. Also. It's pretty! And blue!
Anyway, tonight's docket is Martha's first three episodes, including Shakespearean Code, which the two Jersey cousins, "had" to watch over again to catch up the Melbourne cousin. Yeah. They really suffered through it. Heh.
I think what I'm loving most tonight is how smitten they seem to be with David Tennant. In their world, Matt Smith and Amy Pond don't quite exist yet.
Scratch that. The preview for Daleks in Manhattan just came on, and the cousin just yelled out,
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