I'm fairly sure I'll probably get in trouble for using this magnet, but how can one resist on Halloween?
It's my dad, being silly inside the gift shop at Teddy Roosevelt's Sagamore Hill - a rare happy picture of him, given that he usually scowls in pictures. Particularly when he has darling daughters (and son-in-law) conning him into wearing silly hats.
As usual, I'm not headed downtown to the scary place for the Halloween parade. I'm sorry, I can't do it. The thought of thousands of strangers wearing scary costumes all stuffed in the space of like twenty-something blocks scares the bejeepers out of me.
Although, I do love the little kids who are trick-or-treating the stores on Broadway, they're supercute. I was feeling sorry for them, cuz it didn't look like they had too much candy. Until I saw one little puppy come running over to his parents, and dumping out his half-filled pumpkinhead into a plastic bag, and go running to catch up with the other kids.
Then I really felt sorry for the undressed little girl whose parents were explaining the "trick or treat" concept to her, explaining about all the candy that the kids get...while she had none! So sad! But what I couldn't figure out, is why their daughter wasn't in costume, but their dachshund was dressed as a hot dog!
Ah, Halloween in the city, always a treat. Happy Halloween!
Oh! I should mention, the BFF of BFF Babymoon over the Confederacy fame had a baby girl yesterday! Annnnd, that's all I can say - not allowed to FB or Tweet it.
But I will say, that much like my other friend whose kid is nicknamed Jersey? This one's gonna be codenamed Melrose. Congratulations, BFF!
The thought of thousands of strangers wearing scary costumes all stuffed in the space of like twenty-something blocks scares the bejeepers out of me.
Um, really? And yet you have no problem with comic cons?
Hahaah. Yeah, but SDCC's during daylight hours, for the most part. And a far cry from New York at night. Heh.
I can't believe you made a magnet out of your father!
What? That's the best photo magnet ever!
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