This magnet totally fits my fun day today, running all over town.
Hey, did ya'll know that's what people do when they're not chained to a desk? They do errands, like pitstops at the Dept of Labor, NY Public Library to work on resumes, and FedEx Kinko's.
But, besides the mundane, apparently, they get to have some fun, like Pop Tarts and Ben Affleck!
As I meandered around the island, I nearly stopped in my tracks crossing 42nd when I looked over and saw Pop Tarts World. Dudes. For serious. Pop! Tarts! World! I can't even believe how cool it is. It's a giant fun and hip space on 42nd Street - I had thought it was one of those pop-up stores (pun intended), and one of the chicks in supercute blue Pop Tarts gear said they'd be there until at least January. (Unless people really like it, she said, so go tell my friends. Consider yourselves told!)
So what's in the space?
Well, ya'll know how I love swag? They have superdupercute PT stuff to choose from!
And, they have a whole sweets shoppe in the back!
And, you can design your own Pop Tarts shirt!
Dudes, they had like four other magnets to choose from, but I had to get this one...to stop me from buying the supercute tote bag with the same design.
The second highlight of the day, was seeing a taping of The Daily Show. Mind you, I've probably seen five total episodes of the show...but we all know I love all that behind the scenes stuff.
So, after waiting three hours (seriously, it was like Comic-Con all over again...only with old people, too), we finally went in. Had a really great first row, left of center seat, and a supercute cameraman workin' the flyover cam.
And, the fun thing is now, having seen Ben, I've thus completed the trio of Ben Affleck, Casey Affleck and Matt Damon! (Matt Damon! I just did a joy magnetism search, and I can't believe I haven't told the Damon story yet. Oh, it's coming.)
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to figure out if I want to run another errand. For some reason, I'm craving a Pop Tart. Or ten.
Ok. Freaky. I went into Pop Tarts World at about 11:30 or so, by my count, a half-hour after its Grand Opening. Apparently, I missed the "big" announcement about the store on last night's VMAs. Of course, I'd be the only one in the world who stumbles into a grand opening. Heh.
Of course, now I'm dying to know if I bought the first Pop Tarts magnet out of the store!
I am so envious! Pop Tart World! I wanna go...
Well, it'll still be here in a month when you get here! 42nd, just off of 6th, toward Times Square. Awkward location, and it kinda looks like it's under construction, but it's pretty cool!
I need to go back to try the Pop Tarts concoctions they have in the back...
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