joy magnetism: Reading IS cool!

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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Reading IS cool!

Magnet #824 - Make Reading Cool

Woot! I'm off work today, so I can go to BEA (BookExpo America), and perhaps work on my back-up plan.

What's that plan you ask? I dunno, it depends on how much you like this blog. Heh.

Even though we all know I'm gonna end up on my blackberry on the exhibit floor (if I actually get off this sofa and stop answering emails, because apparently I enjoy playing the martyr), I'm totally gonna roam the BEA booths and see what they have to offer.

And? I'm gonna just wander the floor, rather than plan a course of action to see everything. Gasp! I know! I'm a rebel!

Seriously, I'm like a kid in a candy store at BEA, for a couple of reasons:
  • First, because any trade show, is a good trade show.
  • Second, fun swag.
  • Third, free books. Though, this shouldn't count, since more often than not, I never end up reading them, I pass them along.
  • Fourth, it's fun to see the Pomegranate stuff. Yes. You know I love them. One whole booth of well-designed heaven.
  • Fifth, it's nice to visit the publishing world, and wonder if I should go back, and then determine that I'm too fulfilled by my marketing/advertising life to ever think seriously about going back. Insert sarcasm here, though, remember we learned last year that publishing and marketing/advertising are basically the same thing!
Anyway, I picked up this pin/magnet at last year's BEA - Ripple Reader is a kids eBook/eReader resource. Aside from the pretty colors and fun characters, I just love the simplicity of their mission statement.

Reading is cool!
Pin It!


G said...

Jea.Lous. The mere notion of a book expo makes me all tingly inside. I may console myself by wallowing in the paperbacks at my local library.

joy said...

Ummm yeah. Given that it's 1:20, and I've yet to leave my apartment because of my wonderful and most fulfilling job ever, I'm thinking I just blew $90 I'll never get back.

jen said...

You should find one of the old Bookit pins at home and make it into a magnet. That would be cool. Bring me swag! Heh.