A friend brought this magnet back for me from Sanremo, Italy. Superdupercute!
I love these flipflop magnets, because they can be found everywhere. I know I've seen them from Florida to the Philippines, and a couple of South America ones as well. It's just darn ingenuity, is what I say, trying to design a 2-D magnet to fit this format.
I was gonna do this long write-up on how some people go with Sanremo as one word, and how I could swear it's two. And how it's located on the Med, just east of France, and how I think that's the Sanremo municipal casino on this magnet. And how I'm wondering if the flowers have anything to do with one of their big roads being called, Autostrada dei Fiori, or "Freeway of Flowers." Scintillating blogging, I'm sure.
But I found out that I should have used this magnet a couple of weeks ago, because they just did the Milan-San Remo cycling race! Click on those pics. Cuteboys in kitted out in cutesuits, in pretty locales. Yeah, I don't mind it.
That's our new big thing, after the tiny, tiny, tiny decomp bubble from the Transitions Championship has burst, we've found ourselves gearing up (pun intended) for helping out Team Garmin-Transitions pro cycling team here in the U.S.
It's gonna be awesome fun.
Of course, I'm kinda wishing that one of my clients would sponsor Television Watching or Film Viewing, because at least then, I wouldn't need a Dummies book or dictionary at the ready.
Is Team G-T new? I watched a lot of the Tour De (Du?) France last year, and I only remember the Garmin part.
Yep. Late last fall, Transitions agreed to take on part-sponsorship of the Garmin team in Europe. And, now we're trying to work on US activation. Should be great fun!
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