Another magnet from my favorite Union Square magnet guys. Love those guys!
The original!recipe!Rat Pack was the epitome of cool. And never so cool as they were in their dapper suits and skinny ties in original!recipe!Ocean's 11.
I won't lie, though - in a fight, I think my George would win against Frank. Well, maybe until Old Blue Eyes starts singin' and snappin' his fingers, anyway.
Yeah, I know, enough fangurling over George Clooney. And original!recipe!Frank, too. I can't help it, though. Haven't ya'll heard? I'm a sucker for charming cuteboys.
Plus, this morning, I'm headed to see Up in the Air, where my boyfriend plays a professional employment terminator who spends half his life up in the air, and the other half running away.
Personally, I can't wait, cuz I love my George in a suit. But also, because the hype so far is that it's his finest role yet.
Aren't they all?
It's Frank's world, we just live in it...
Not all roles are the finest yet. There's a little bump in the career by the name of Solaris.
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