Fun. The most fun you can have with pumpkins (real and fake) and some lights.
We went to the Jack O'Lantern Blaze a couple of years ago, and it's grown over the last five years. Always a sell-out, and they're up to something like 4,000 hand-carved pumpkins!
It's kinda like the Christmas lights in Tanglewood, only here, you're on foot, walking down a darkened path from one Jack O'Lantern display to another.
Outside. In the dark. With scary sound effects.
I'm not gonna lie. I was a tiny bit creeped out, despite the fact that we had a little five-year-old running around with us.
What? Pay attention. I said:
Outside. In the dark. With scary sound effects.
Which makes me kinda worried about tonight.
Tonight, we're going to Legend Nights. It's the part where we're going to "wander the mysterious grounds and interact with witches, pirates, and spooky apparitions." Freaky.
I just know I'm gonna get freaked out. Something's gonna come out from behind and scare the pants off of me.
It won't help that at some point, I'll be holding the hand of a seven-year-old, either. She's probably going to be having the time of her life. Watching me run away from scary creatures will provide all the entertainment she'll need.
I'm just sayin.
Outside. In the dark.
And I'll be the scary sound effects.
Don't worry we'll protect you. At least from all of the fake witches, ghosts and goblins. As to the headless horseman reenactment, well, you're on your won. Headless people freak me out.
oooooh... sounds like fun! we just have our annual fall fun of a corn maze, pumpkin cannon, and cider.
Yeah, looks like it wasn't as scary, or as much superduper fun as we had thought. Actually, I take it back. It was fun hanging out, but I will admit to not being scared of the pirates. Or the ghosts. Or the horsemen.
Though...I will say that the tree people freaked me out.
And the guy in total darkness, hunched over and unmoving, sitting with his child carrier on his back. Freaky.
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