Ok. Having magnetblogged two pretty thorough posts on Franklin and Eleanor already, I feel ok about using this
Last night, as I was watching my regular slate of not all that great television, I had my TweetDeck up as usual. Lately, I've found myself mesmerized by the trending topic tag cloud on TwitScoop. Seriously. It's starting to scare me.
That's how I found out about the Getty being evac'd last week. It's how I found out about Kim Jong Il this week. It's how I found out about the creepy Observer from Fringe being at the All-Star Game last night.
So when #commercial popped up and I didn't have a clue why, I clicked on it, being the good adgirl that I am. From what I gathered, Taco Bell (whose colors I've been wrestling with all day at work) ran a TV spot during the MLB All-Star Game, featuring rappers in an SNL'ish parody called "It's all about the Roosevelts" (the dimes, versus the $100s).
It garnered mixed reactions, but either way, within the first two minutes of me being on TwitScoop, 33 new Tweets chirped, mostly about this ad (300 since I started this post). Trending topic tags popped up for #Roosevelts, #Taco, #Bell, #taco bell, etc.
It's insane. No, seriously. See?
But, even more, were the redirects and Tweets sending people to the TB YouTube channel for the ad itself, where the lyrics are readily accessible, and the link to the ringtone's included, not to mention where there are more than 300 comments, and more than 266k views (2,000 since I started this post). Mind you, I didn't do a pre- and post- comparison of views, but good grief, I bet it's an immediate spike.
Annnnnd, you've gotten me to Tweet about it, FB it, and now magnetblog it. Dannnnng.
Well played, Taco Bell, well played.
And now you got someone else to comment on it. And now I have a hankering to hit Taco Bell on the road trip...
Hee. Well, the TB's work is done here.
They've accounted for the majority of my traffic today, with the search term of "It's all about the Roosevelts" landing them here. Which is kinda cool.
I also just checked the views on that YT link, and they're just about at 304k views, in less than 12 hours.
Seriously well done, TB.
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