Yep. Game Day.
My best friend's husband is the biggest Steelers fan in Salisbury.
North Carolina.
Which means that whenever you see his giant gold truck tearin' around town, with the license plate Blitzburgh, you know it's him. I think he bleeds black and gold. And, it's funny, because my BFF wasn't ever a big pro ball fan, but now, she's built up quite a collection of Steelerwear, so that she'll be just as tricked out as he is on game day.
So, of course, I thought of them when I was lucky enough to snag my friend's season tickets a couple years ago.
They met me in Pittsburgh, having driven all night in the snow to get there.
I don't know why none of us thought about it, but halfway through our day roaming around Pittsburgh, we sort of realized that we were shamefully unprepared for any sort of tailgating. Which meant that we spent a good portion of the night before looking for what we could take with us the next day. At some point, we were debating tracking down a Kmart or Target to find a hibachi grill. Thank goodness we didn't. Instead, we headed for the first liquor store we could find, and managed to find whatever liquidstuffs would keep us warm at gametime.
The next morning, we managed to find a great place to park, and then wandered into the parking lot. OML, I don't think we were quite prepared for the level of Steeler-crazy tailgating. Jeez, those people know how to tailgate. Seriously, they don't play. Loud music, plenty of booze and food, and tons of black and gold.
Watching my BFF's husband roam around the parking lots, it was like he had found his people. Very sweet. Meanwhile, my BFF and I sat in the truck, guzzling as much liquor as we could to fortify ourselves for the weather. It was snowing. It was cold. And I could not tell you about the second half. All I know is that we lost. And that perhaps finishing off a bottle of that girly Alize blue stuff was probably not a good idea.
Nevertheless, totally a fun weekend in Pittsburgh.
Let's hope they turn Tampa upside down today.
Anyway, real pretty Steelers magnet, huh? But for the real scoop on the real Steelers, check out Cotter's real Steelers blog.
My sister reminded me yesterday of one of my favorite Loveswepts (ok, I admit, they're all my favorites). But this one was about a couple - both Steelers fans - that get together, so that they could win Steeler playoff tickets. I'd forgotten about it, but looks like the Smart Bitches, Trashy Books blog didn't.
I suppose Donna (and us, her editors, copyeditors and proofreaders) got some of the football stuff wrong, but c'mon. You gotta give it to me for a fantastic cover.
lol Hysterical post, Joy. I'm not sure whether it's 10am or sometime mid-afternoon right now, but what I DO know is that you're one funny gal.
Have a fun game day! MB lay off the Alize this time (I've had a run-in with that stuff, myself)?
And yes, great cover. :)
lol Okay, I just realized that my first comment made it seem like I don't know what time it is because I've already been drinking Alize today, which is not the case. My Alize hi jinx occurred in college, and the current hazy concept of time is due to jet lag.
...I swear!
Joy, on behalf of Steeler Nation, I'd like to thank you for the good karma.
I'm literally developing an ulcer as we speak, waiting for this game to kickoff.
Hope you'll be waving your towel hard tonight!!!
Thanks, GG. Glad you're back stateside, though I'm sad your trip's over.
I've turned away from the pre-game coverage now, too many things to record this afternoon! But I'll be back, game time.
And believe me, not touching Alize again. It's an odd liqueur, and it gives you blue mouth, if I remember correctly.
You're very welcome, Cotter - crossing my fingers for ya'll!
Nice post Joy. I'm rooting for the Steelers too. Big money on the game - two bucks. :)
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