Sooo, we're in the home stretch of the Beijing 2008 Olympics. Know how I know? Women's Beach Volleyball is finally done.
Sincere congrats to May and Walsh. Get some rest. After what must have been a trillion matches, you guys must be as tired of playing them, as we are of watching them.
I caught only the tail-end of the match, so we're taking a break and looking ahead...
I volunteered for the NYC 2012 Olympic bid - passed out flyers, wore the really cool swag, went to the organized press events, worked other sister events (sporting events, ya'll), stood in the Hudson River (!!!!), and argued with locals to convince them that, yes, they did want billions of people crowding our public transit and stopping our sidewalk traffic by staring up at the tall buildings.
It was a heartfelt campaign, and you wouldn't believe the work, money, branding, blood, sweat and tears that the City put into the Bid. So when we found out that London won, it was bittersweet.
Part of me was ticked off, especially after all the City's efforts. The other part of me was happy, because it meant we wouldn't have to deal with global eyes upon us, or with all the construction, security measures and tourists.
Of course, now? The other part of me is thinking, man, even with all the controversy surrounding China's opening ceremonies, no one can argue that they put on the best live show - ever.
How can London top that?
Uh-huh. No pressure there.
Think of the possibilities for David T., though. He could be a part of the pomp and circumstance. HEH. I expect bowler hats and black umbrellas in the opening ceremonies.
Hey, let's go in 2012. I.J.S.
Hah. But the Doctor is *going* to be a torch-runner in 2012. I saw it! Heh.
And now I'm picturing 2,012 men in formation at Wembley in bowler hats and brollies. nice.
I've already asked people if they wanted to do London in 2012 and no one said yes.
We really need to get someone we know well to move to London. IJS.
Hey, if my current obsession with moving there when I finish residency pans out, you're all invited. It'll be a party.
If not, I'm first in line to bug my uncle for a couple square feet of floor space at his flat. I'd even bring my own pillow and blanket.
Right now the lovely city of Chicago is attempting to steal the 2016 games from the South American bidder, who I think deserves it more. Chicago, while my sometimes-adopted-home-town, is obnoxiously humid in the summer, and Mayor Daly's and Governor Blagojevich's (took me 4 years to learn how to spell that, and now I'm moving away) plans include horrendous locations, bad fiscal decisions, and a complete disregard for the locals. I'm voting for 2016 Rio.
gordon and i are totally going to london for 2012! he's never been and by that time we should have enough monies. also, the china olympics tickets, 60% of them were like $13! so we're going. you should too. maybe by then one of us will just have a house there with as many times as we all have been!
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