As I mentioned yesterday, my current fling is David Tennant. Again, George Clooney doesn't mind. After all, he's been clearly enjoying his summer post-that Vegas cocktail waitress. George is also safe in the knowledge that David seems to prefer BBC employees anyway. *snerk*
Since Josh got his time yesterday, David gets equal play today. Well, that's not quite true - I keep blogging DW/DT since I was silly and bought not one, but two, different Doctor Who magnet sets and now have a disproportionate amount of DW magnets lying about my fridge.
I will give David his props - after I finished Christopher Eccleston's turn as the Ninth Doctor, I was absolutely sure that I wasn't going to like the Tenth Doctor. I derided the Wee Doctor at first, but it didn't take long before David's mad but passionate Ten quickly overwrote Nine. Sorry, Chris.
As I've managed to watch more of the David Tennant oeuvre, he's proven himself in role after role - whether as the mad but passionate mental patient in Takin' Over the Asylum, or as the mad but passionate psycho in Secret Smile, or even the mad but passionate lover in Casanova.
But, he keeps saying that being on the telly's more like a sabbatical from his real job - stage actor. So, I can't wait to see him in his natural environs. I finally got my Hamlet tickets - looks like I'm spending a few days in London during the holidays. Supposedly, that performance will have a talkback/Q&A with the cast, so I'm equally (if not more, actually) excited at the prospect of hearing Patrick Stewart speak as well.
Who knows, maybe it will take David and Patrick to make me like Hamlet, the play, the production, the Prince. (Not that Richard Burton was able to sway me, but I'll give it a shot.)
And, they'll have at least six months to practice - they open this week in Stratford. Break a leg, boys!
Ya know, Joy. I'm a little worried about your level of commitment to this latest "fling". Flying across the Atlantic? That's a big step for a casual relationship. Does George know that you're taking it to the next level with the Wee Doctor?
And, yes, I do giggle inappropriately at the term "Wee Doctor." Hee hee hee.
Heh. "Wee Doctor." Hee.
Yeah. I've got nothing else.
John Cusack would be the next best thing but I'm afraid he'll put me to jail with a hefty fine when I visit LOL
Sadly, I haven't a John Cusack magnet!
And, yes, yes, I can't help but call him the Wee Doctor. He is just too skinny, and honestly, if the TV puts 10 pounds on you, when I see him in person, is he just going to be rapier thin? Ugh.
And, really - flying across the Atlantic is just about the same amount of flying as I did for Thorsten Kaye down at SuperSoap.
Oh, and I have been known to fly to LA...not necessarily to look for George, but ya know, a girl can't help it, if she's in the neighborhood. Or, on the WB lot. Hehehehe.
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