Having spent the last few weeks doing research for every highway, byway and roadside attraction in the continental U.S. for an upcoming cross-country road trip, I find myself (as always) gravitating toward the small mom and pop attractions.
A fellow roadtripper told me that we never pick the big cities and attractions for our trips. But I say, that's the only way to see America.
Case in point - The Tepee in Cherry Valley, NY. Who knew that Route 20 is historic? (No one.) Why was there a 50-foot metal tepee in the middle of almost nowhere? (Who knows?) Is that a lifesize buffalo statue buried in that snowdrift? (Hell to the yeah, it is!)
And, the ads didn't lie - The Tepee made good on its promise of cheesy magnets, and even more cheesy (and possibly exploitative) Native American souvenirs.
But this magnet isn't so cheesy, really - it's been added to the "tile magnet" section of my collection.
Yes, there are categorized magnet sections in my collection. You haven't noticed?
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